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Weight Loss

We can reverse ageing when we loose extra fat weight and build muscles.

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We juggle many aspects/balls in our life like job, family, relationships, health…etc. Some are made of rubber and some are made of glass. If we drop the one made of rubber, it will bounce back with no problem. The glass balls are different story, drop one of them and they may shatter or at least when you bend down to pick them up you find they are damaged. 


The problem comes when we mix up the balls and its attributes. While job ball is of rubber, we treat it as though it is made of crystal. We sacrifice too many truly important things for a rubber ball that will always bounce back. We sacrifice good health to making money so in latter stage of life we give that earned money to get back or at least maintain some health.

In a quest to accomplish professional goals, many of us sideline our health or fitness goals until some alarm bells go off!!


Nitish Kumar, working in the IT industry, was no different than most of us. Young, ambitious and food lover. Working long hours sitting at desk, travelling long distance every day in traffic, stress levels were shooting high. With erratic eating schedules governed by working hours, poor quality of nutrition in the food, Nitish was headed in the health downward spiral. Few years of this routine and alarms went off during routine health checkup when he made a discovery of elevated cholesterol levels (high triglycerides and low HDL levels). 


He signed up on our Healthier community. He learnt about the science of body, fat, food and nutrition. He underwent body analysis to learn about his current health condition and realized that was overweight with body fat of 35%. This body health was gate opener for glucose intolerance, thyroid disorder, diabetes and heart disease. With help of our team of nutritionist, food and fitness experts, Nitish got personalized plan to lose that extra fat, develop stamina and learn healthier way to cook food. 

Three months in this journey, Nitish lost 9 kgs, most of it was fat. His cholesterol levels came normal.
Through practice of reading books, cycling, mingling with healthier people and focusing on positive changes, Nitish turned his life around!


It has been more than two years and he has been able to maintain this healthier lifestyle. Now, he coaches as part of this community, in transforming towards healthier lifestyle!!


Next story could be yours! 


Talk to the Healthier team is your step number 1.





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