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Gokhila M


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Gokhila worked in IT for few years and is Wellness enthusiast on Healthier World. 


Gokhila approached Healthier World for her personal health goal. Shesuffered from scoliosis(backpain) ad she lost 12 kgs of weight. In the process, she started learning on nutrition, exercises, stress management and healthy cooking techniques. 


Today not only has she benefited from her learning, but now she coaches other people to do the same. 


She also brings a treasure of knowledge on local cooking techniques and healthier swap solution for family. She shares her knowledge through posts and micro videos on social media. She also open professional opportunity for others like her in the world of prevention and wellness through Healthier World and Healthier Academy. 


Gokhila is originally from Madurai and based out of Hyderabad.


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